
For over 25 years, Dr. Carroll has educated and inspired countless individuals …


For over 25 years, Dr. Carroll has educated and inspired countless individuals through her work as a specialist in the area of conflict and reconciliation counseling.

Her academic studies were completed in psychology (BA/MA), anthropology (BS), and seminary education in Christian theology and marriage and family therapy (MA). Her extensive training in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) was achieved through: the State Bar of Texas, the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) of Harris County, the University of Houston and the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center of Illinois. Giovanna completed her doctorate of counseling from Houston Graduate School of Theology in May, 2023.

Giovanna’s favorite quote in life is taken from the first line of M. Scott Pecks groundbreaking book, the Road Less Traveled: “Life is difficult.” As a mom, mediator, and mental health clinician, she has wrestled with the gravity of those 3 simple words for decades both in her own personal life and professionally. The common theme of life, as noted by Bishop Desmund Tutu, is that all of humanity is inextricably connected. Whether through family, friends, or strangers, all of our relationships are necessary in order to feel alive, valued and whole. If these relationships fall apart, for whatever reason, often times so do we.

The goal of JPI is simple: to walk with individuals on their journey to create, maintain, heal and hold their relationships successfully. In the 21st century, navigating through challenging and difficult situations without proper support can be disasterous. The negative results of which are often expressed through depression, addiction, stress or physical health issues.

Historically, the family unit was the support system. That no longer exist in the form that it once did. The paradigm has changed dramatically. But here is the good news: no matter how much things change, each and every person holds the power to determine the direction of their own future.

Giovanna believes that a life well lived is fluid not static. As Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock wrote 50 years ago, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

Whether you are dealing with false beliefs that have been passed down for generations or, having difficulty forgiving yourself, or navigating day to day, JPI is here to support you and your family in creating a landscape and path designed specifically for you. It is important to live out your best life. You can achieve your dreams and goals. Embrace life. Have fun. It is possible. Yes, you can.